You Get Results by DOING, not just KNOWING

You DON’T get stronger and fitter and more agile from exercises, no matter how well you know them . . . unless you DO THEM.

You DON’T get smarter and wiser from having shelves groaning under the weight of all your books, no matter how good they are, and no matter how highly they were recommended . . . unless you READ THEM.

unread books

You DON’T become wealthier, no matter how much money you make . . . unless you USE IT WISELY.

You DON’T become a better writer unless you READ VIRTUALLY EVERY DAY, and WRITE VIRTUALLY EVERY DAY.

SUCCESS flows naturally from REGULAR PRACTICE

success comes from effortYou DON’T become a better guitarist, or juggler, or football player, or stage magician, unless you PRACTISE VIRTUALLY EVERY DAY.

You DON’T learn ANY new skill unless you PRACTISE IT REGULARLY.


You DON’T start your own business until you PUT YOUR PLANS INTO ACTION.

You DON’T make that business a success unless you WORK AT IT RELENTLESSLY.

You DON’T form better relationships unless you WORK STEADILY AT IMPROVING THEM.

You DON’T attract prosperity into your life unless you are willing and eager to GIVE IT TO OTHERS.

You DON’T get any happier unless you honestly and firmly DECIDE TO BE HAPPIER.

You DON’T benefit from adopting new habits, unless you FORM THEM RIGIDLY, and truly MAKE THEM HABITUAL.

It is VITAL that you appreciate the huge difference between KNOWING something and actually DOING IT.

KNOWING is good … KNOWING AND DOING is infinitely better!

laying bricksOne small step forward, on a regular basis, is worth a thousand faltering steps that lead nowhere. When a builder lays a few bricks, he doesn’t put his tools down and start to doubt his ability to complete the structure of the house. He carries on working, building it brick by brick. Slowly it takes shape. He creates the walls gradually, in line with the house plans. He knows that if he carries on it WILL work out, so he has FAITH enough to continue.

When an architect designs a bridge (or a shopping mall, or a cathedral, or a city centre) he first envisions it as he wants it to be, and then moves on to planning how it will be created, and finally the builders will start on the project.


And they will keep on forging ahead with it, even if and when some of the workers fall ill, or even should they need to be replaced, for whatever reason. The plan will be followed, relentlessly. Even if the budget for the project has to be altered. Even if the original design has to be radically rethought and improved in some way. Even if some of those involved have lost interest, or lost faith in the project. It will still proceed … even then.

Be the ARCHITECT of your own life!

Take a leaf out of their book. Copy their methods. DECIDE that the project you undertake will FORGE AHEAD RELENTLESSLY, even if only very slowly and gradually. NEVER lose faith. Success will come if you APPLY YOURSELF, and work steadily towards completion. The only route to failure is to lose sight of your plan and to abandon hope that you will achieve it.

Plan CAREFULLY …pursue your plans RELENTLESSLY

It’s vitally important that you THINK VERY CAREFULLY about what you want to achieve, and then TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTION. Anything less will NOT lead to success. It will, instead, lead to DISAPPOINTMENT and REGRET. And if that happens you will have no else to blame . . . but YOURSELF.

you are responsibleYOU ALONE bear the responsibility to see to it that you are CONSTANTLY MOVING FORWARD, even if it’s ever so slowly. Your aim in life should be to make STEADY PROGRESS in the direction of achieving your goals, rather than seek to achieve rapid success. Almost as bad as seeking rapid success is to SHUFFLE FORWARD, in fits and starts, your progress stilted by self-doubt and procrastination.Your progress should be regular, and steady, and made with a DETERMINED FRAME OF MIND.

Forget all this trying to achieve instant fame or reach sudden, dizzying heights of success. This is NOT the way forward. It is the way to FAILURE and REGRET.

DECIDE NOW, once and for all, that you will apply yourself to the task, with the avowed intention of MAKING STEADY PROGRESS, uninterrupted by doubts and distractions.