You CAN Create The Future of Your Dreams

You can create the future you want. The power to do this lies right there, in your hands, right now. We tend to do this, i.e. create, by default, and pretty poorly (well, obviously … that’s why most of us don’t have the kind of life we hoped to have). But don’t despair. If you go about it the right way, you can indeed have the kind of life you want.

You have power over your mindThere is a way to do this, and it’s something other than just working harder and for longer hours. And it doesn’t take a genius to do it either; every single person reading this has the ability within them, and it’s a natural, inborn ability, one that you’ve always had. Unfortunately, we don’t come into this world clutching an edition of How To Do Life. We have to learn the process bit by bit, and most of us make a complete mess of it, to be honest.

If you’re living the life of your dreams, you can stop reading this right now. It would be a waste of your time to carry on. You’ve already cracked the code, or had it explained to you somehow. But if you are in a dead end job, or knee deep in debt, or maybe depressed because your life seems to be going nowhere fast, then read on. There just might be something here that you’ll find of benefit.

Your thoughts and feelings create your life

What you have to understand is that your life, generally speaking, is the result of your thoughts and feelings. What I mean by that is that when you are thinking of positive outcomes and feeling that it’s actually happening, you are putting in motion the sequence of events that will culminate in the outcome you desire.

You see this a lot when you’re a child. For example, you look forward to Christmas morning and get excited about opening your presents, and then it happens. Each day leading up to Christmas you’re building up the excitement and feeling how great it will be to have those presents in your hands. Now you might say, well, it’s going to happen anyway … Christmas comes every 25th December, so it’s not exactly a surprise when that happens. Okay, I accept that. But it’s not just about Christmas.

As a child, you get excited about all kinds of upcoming events, and they often come about, just as you imagined. In that innocent stage of life, you automatically use the gifts you were born with, and which most of us, as adults, never use again. We become jaded, because life has a way of wearing us down and taking the sparkle out of every day. Or, to be more precise, we just allow things to get out of hand and stop using our innate gifts because, well … we don’t really understand them and we give in to what’s all around us, the drudgery of life and the expectation that it will always be a struggle.

The truth is quite simple really

Your thoughts and feelings project a vibration, and that vibration is in line with an outcome. Sure, other external things might affect what happens to you as wekk. That’s why I said earlier that what happens generally speaking is the result of your thoughts and feelings.


In fact, if you want a demonstration of how this works you only have to look at your present situation. Where are you now? Do you have satisfying relationships? Do you have a good job and plenty of money? Do you do the exciting things you imagined, or travel to places you hoped to visit? Or are you in debt? In a miserable relationship with someone, or perhaps lacking any kind of meaningful relationship at all. Are you stuck in a job you despise?

If you think back over the last few years and you do an honest inventory of how you were thinking, you might well find that you weren’t using your mind to envision a bright and fulfilled future at all. You might have to admit that you didn’t really believe you were deserving of bright and satisfying outcomes. Maybe you will realise that your thinking wasn’t very productive at all. That might have been because you didn’t value yourself enough, or more likely, you didn’t even realise that the answer to a fulfilled life was much closer at hand than you ever imagined.

This doesn’t mean you’ve screwed life up completely

This isn’t as miserable a situation as you might imagine. All it means is that you had the chance to think creatively and you blew it. That’s a temporary state of affairs. You allowed yourself to settle for imagining that this is all life has to offer, and you settled for that. Or you just didn’t know that you could change things so easily. So your outlook seemed bleak. And, not surprisingly, your outcome tallied with that outlook.

But like I said, this isn’t so bad. All it means is that now, if you change your ways, your outcomes can be brighter and more in line with what you really do desire. If you start to use your imagination to envision positive outcomes, and if your thoughts and feelings start to broadcast those positive images to the world, you will be putting into action a truly positive plan for your future. And it will be starting right now!

The world mirrors what you put out

It really is as though the world is your mirror. A mirror does not judge, it merely reflects what is put in front of it. Your thinking and feeling broadcasts an image of what you are, in all your various aspects, to the world at large. If the image you broadcast is lacking, that’s what the world (your mirror) reflects back to you. It takes a little while, but you can be sure that what you send out will start to reflect back to you.

our environment

Sadly, you’ve probably been beaming out a poor image of what you are, and what your life is becoming, and now you have to cope with the world reflecting this image back at you. But you wouldn’t be surprised if your bathroom mirror showed a less than complimentary image of you, if you’d been out late and were suffering a really bad hangover. You wouldn’t rage at the mirror and blame it for all your problems, would you? It’s only reflecting what is put in front of it.

It’s time to pay more attention to the image you want to broadcast to the world. Because, make no mistake, you are broadcasting an image to the world, every moment of the day. So make it a brighter, more positive image.

Create a brighter future by thinking more positively

See yourself as a winner, an achiever, someone who makes things happen. See your world becoming more welcoming. See your relationships blossoming. See your bank account becoming much healthier. See your job situation becoming happier. See yourself healthier and freer. Feel these things too. It’s important to feel the sensations of freedom, and achievement, and health, and prosperity, and all the good things you want to experience in life.

These thoughts and feelings are being broadcast to the world every moment of the day, and, just like a mirror, the world is reflecting the image back to you. Not judging, just reflecting. So take care to create the image you’d like to see happening in your life tomorrow.

The best way to create a wonderful tomorrow is to see it happening today! And make no mistake, this might be hard work. I don’t mean it will necessarily entail hard work to achieve the things you want, I mean actually thinking and feeling positively on a regular basis … that can be very hard work indeed. Specially if you have had a habit of thinking and feeling and expecting the worst.

Start now!

a year from nowYou’re going to have to overhaul your thinking. Stop allowing negative thoughts to fester in your mind. Stop imagining negative outcomes. Stop seeing yourself as one of life’s also-rans. Stop expecting to fail.

When you ‘hear’ yourself thinking negatively, crush that thought! And the simple way to do that is to turn it on its head. If you catch yourself on the verge of thinking “I’m going nowhere … things always go wrong for me”, then change that thought to “I’m headed for success … things always work out well for me”. If you were going to mutter to yourself “I hate these things … I’m no good at getting along with people”, change it immediately to “Okay, these situations can be a bit awkward sometimes, but the truth is I’m pretty good at getting on with people … I really shouldn’t be so hard on myself”.

It might be difficult at first. You’re being kind to yourself; that might feel like a new experience! You’re trying to rewrite a life-long program and turn it from one that regularly steers you into every available ditch, into one that drives you forward relentlessly towards inevitable success. That’s not necessarily something that will come easy. But it’s something that’s well worth working for. And something that will reward you more richly than your former self could ever imagine!