What’s Your Excuse?

We all have our reasons, the things we cling to that are stopping us ‘making it’. We call them reasons. Listen to Jack Ma and you’ll call them something else. You’ll call them excuses. You’ll be left with no option but to stop clinging to them and start taking action.

This is a very short video, just one minute. You’re busy, I realise that, but please take just one minute to check it out. And when you’ve seen what Jack has to say, just ask yourself … what are my reasons … er, I mean my excuses.

But seriously, can you make it?

Can you make it? What does that actually mean? Making it, for you, might mean all kinds of things …

They could include …

  • It might mean making money.
  • It might mean being a big success in business.
  • It might mean making enough to become financially independent, and able to say “I’m answerable to no-one”. It might mean becoming a millionaire.
  • It might mean regaining your fitness and becoming as vibrant and energetic as you used to be.
  • excusesIt might mean becoming an authority.
  • It might mean running a website or blog.
  • It might mean conducting seminars.
  • It might mean selling products or services.
  • It might mean selling other people’s products or services, and earning commissions.
  • It might mean importing.
  • It might mean overcoming physical addictions.
  • It might mean overcoming physical drawbacks and limitations.
  • It might mean trusting yourself to be successful.
  • It might mean taking your future seriously.
  • It might mean seeing yourself as a winner.
  • It might mean being able to give up your job.
  • It might mean running your own business and determining your own income.
  • It might mean learning new skills.
  • do it nowIt might mean believing in yourself.
  • It might mean taking a risk.
  • It might mean changing your self-image.
  • It might mean becoming super confident.

And it might mean dozens of other things I can’t even think of right now.