What Exactly is High Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, is the buzz word these days in body transformation. It’s a different approach to training, and it’s different in several ways. It’s also very confusing to most people, since they hear the name and assume it just means training intensely. That’s not the whole story. We’ve all been training intensely for a long time, if we’ve been involved in bodybuilding or weight training of any kind, but we haven’t been doing HIIT.

HIIT refers to a very specific way of training. It’s possible to do interval training or high intensity training without actually doing HIIT. The truth is that if you learn exactly what HIIT is and do it properly, you can make use of an incredibly effective workout style and see the amazing results you’ve read about. But … you have to do it right!

So … just what is HIIT?

HIIT is basically a cardio session arranged in the form of short bursts of very intense work. The whole point, the essential point of HIIT, is to crank up the intensity to a whole new level and to push yourself to the absolute max during each and every set. And that’s why the sessions are short. You can train longer, or you can train more intensely … but you cannot do both together; it’s just not physically possible.

Each set is very short, usually ranging from just 20 seconds to 90 seconds. It’s the direct opposite of marathon training, for example, where you ration your energy and train for long periods.

benefits of HIITResearch has shown, beyond doubt, that the critical factor is intensity. This is critical in boosting your endurance, revving up your metabolism, regulating your insulin levels, and shedding that stubborn body fat. All exercise results in the burning of fat, but the more intense the exercise, the more startling is the effect … and the more fat is torched.

In fact, compared to many other cardio workouts, HIIT has been shown to be more effective time and time again. Brief but intense workouts with your own bodyweight, or with dumbbells or kettlebells (or some other added weight, e.g. a medicine ball) will tone your muscles like nothing else and will increase your strength, while burning fat in the process … in short, it will get you shredded, to use the modern term.