What A Magnificent Day!

Make it count!What a wonderful day this is! I knew it from the moment I woke up this morning. I could feel it in my bones. I just knew it was going to be an amazing day. And I haven’t been disappointed.

I feel lighter than air. Whenever I move it’s as though the Universe is supporting me (almost like it’s holding me gently in its tender palm). I feel as though I can’t go wrong. And if I smile (even the slightest hint of a smile), I have the impression of thousands of smiles spreading around me like ripples across Heaven.

Celestial healing is showering down on me as I move around, and when I’m sitting down, and even when I’m sleeping. 24 hours a day, I’m being tenderly nurtured and healed, and it’s an amazing and comforting experience! Aches and pains are almost a thing of the past for me. I’m getting used to being it tip-top shape nearly all the time.

I feel I’m being guided!

Being guidedI have the distinct feeling that things are going my way (did I already mention that?), and I just can’t go wrong. I feel as though my plans have been overseen by others much smarter than I, and it’s as though I’m constantly and silently being assured of their eventual success. If I keep on pursuing them, I just can’t go wrong (I might have mentioned that … but I … I just can’t stop saying it!).

Everyone I meet today seems to be bathed in a warm, subtle glow, as though they’ve been plugged into some kind of life force generator and it’s just flooding them with power and energy. And just being there, near them, is enough to help spread that energy into their sphere. I take no credit for this, I’m not able to … it just happens around me. Something good is happening and it’s spreading. And whether I’m the cause of it, or just some tiny cog in this huge energy machine, I have no idea. But somehow it’s happening … and it’s happening around me!

Yes, this truly is a wonderful day. A tremendously blessed day. A day steeped in wonderment and minor miracles. And a day designed with thousands of tiny invisible stepping stones built in, just for me, so that every step I take is inevitably the right one, and taking a false step is almost impossible.

Is this an exceptional day?

Yes, there’s a lot I can say about this day, but … exceptional? Maybe not. It’s becoming more and more normal these days, and I suppose that’s because I’m more aware of how these things operate. I tend to spend a minute or two in the morning focusing on the good in the coming day. I’m forming a habit of expecting a certain kind of day. I’m actually believing that my expectation is driving my reality. I suppose once you do that you’re starting to shape your reality to whatever you want.

special daySo this day is gradually becoming my norm. Day after day, I enjoy this sense of being in the very midst of miracles. And I don’t have to do anything to deserve them, or to earn them. All I have to do is see them for what they are … see each wonderful day for the miracle it is (and each little building block of the day) … whether it’s sunny or rainy … cloudy or bright … whether the TV news is good or bad … whether governments are managing or struggling … whether others join in and recognise the day’s magnificence or moan about the miseries of life … yes, as long as I’m seeing this day for what it truly is, and the more often I do that, the more those wonderful days keep showing up, again and again.

So no, they’re not one in a million. More like one in every three or four, or maybe one a week. And if this carries on the way it’s happening right now, it wouldn’t surprise me if it soon became not one in three, but one right after another … just a stunning, incredible, repetitive, sunshiny continuum of fantastic days, and they’re stacking up in the most astonishing way imaginable.

The POWER of the imagination!

power of imaginationAnd the imaginable part of it is very, very important. I think it’s actually the key part of it, to be honest. Waking up and immediately imagining that this is the start of a truly wonderful day … that’s like reaching for that first magical stepping stone. Once I’m on that, and reaching out carefully for the next, I just know that my footing is safe and things are going my way. And will keep going my way, all day long.

Because the imagination is the furnace in which dreams are forged. And the more you hammer those dreams into shape with the power of your imagination, the stronger and clearer and truer they become.