Supercharge Your Subconscious!

superchargerDo you want to change your life?

Of course you do. Unless your life is absolutely perfect just as it is, you’d like it to be even better, right?

Then kickstart the process … get your brain working on your behalf. As you lie in bed, just before you go to sleep, ask yourself questions that are likely to get your brain thinking in a positive and creative way while you sleep. Questions like …

  • What would it be like to wake up with a smile on my face every morning?
  • What if I were to become twice as happy as I normally am? Or three times … or ten times? Wow … imagine that … being ten times happier.
  • What if I stopped all this procrastinating and just got on with things … imagine what I could achieve!

People spend a huge amount of time and effort trying to accumulate things that they think will make them happy. Hey, here’s a thought … why not just be happy now? Cut out the middleman, go straight for the big payoff. Just be happy!

How to be happy?

dreamingDon’t know how? Make a commitment to yourself. Lying there, almost asleep, tell yourself that it’s OK to be happy. That it’ll be nice to wake up feeling wonderful, totally refreshed and revitalised instead of grumpy and miserable, like the world’s got a grudge against you.

And if you want to supercharge your efforts to be happier, then make yourself a slideshow of how you want your life to be. A sort of preview of the life you wish you were living. It doesn’t need to be precise, with the exact things you want in your life. In fact, that can be a drawback. Stick to more general ideas. Stick to things like being happy (this is the main one, that one that all the others lead to, right?) … having great friends … making money easily … being of a positive mind … setting great goals and actually taking action to make them happen … meeting with great new opportunities … that kind of thing. Let the Universe deal with the details!

But I wouldn’t know how to make a slideshow

FastStone Image ViewerHow to make a slideshow? Here’s how I do it, and it’s easy, very easy. Use FastStone Image Viewer, which is excellent software, and it’s free to use (and yeah, I’m sure there are other image management softwares you could use, but this is the one I’ve used for years and I know it pretty well). Create a new folder and call it whatever you like, maybe something like Better Life Slideshow, or Self-Improvement Slideshow.

Then open up Google Images. Put in a search term that will bring up some interesting images, such as ‘prosperity’, or ‘motivation’. Click on images that take your fancy and select some, in fact select plenty of them. Just save them to that folder you just created. And don’t stick to just one or two search terms, use different ones, lots of variants. Try ‘money’ … or ‘be happy’ … or ‘positivity’… or ‘attitude’. Maybe ‘believe’ … or ‘persistence’. Do this with as many search terms as you can think of.