Mental Exercise is Vital … If You Want to Succeed

It’s been said many times before, and that’s because it’s true … the strongest muscle in the entire body is the one between your ears … yes, your brain. Without your brain dictating and guiding the muscles you ain’t going anywhere. So, in effect, the brain out-muscles every other muscle. Ignore the proper use of it at your peril.

Preparing for battle

It’s well known among fighters that the waiting can be the hardest part of the action. No doubt the waiting was hell at the Normandy landings. Each and every one of the servicemen getting ready for battle was going through his own private hell during the hours prior to hitting the beach. The only way to survive it and come out fighting was to master your own inner demons; you would have to mentally prepare by visualising the coming battle and seeing yourself not just surviving, but victorious.

exercise your mind

Heading for the gym and aiming to do a hard session is a million miles short of Normandy; that called for true heroics. But still, it’s as well to have in mind the idea that you’re heading into battle (which you are, in a way … a battle against yourself), and using that time to mentally prepare for what’s to come.

Still the mind

still the mindTake a few minutes to calm the mind. You don’t need to be a seasoned meditator to accomplish this. Just close your eyes and slow your breathing down. Focus on your breath going in through your nose and down into your lungs … and then being expelled through your nose or mouth. Follow the breath, mentally, one breath after another. Consciously slow your breathing down so that it’s very slow and even. Control it. Know that you are in control of your breathing. This is the start of feeling totally in control.

Now tell yourself you’re going to face this session boldly and with fortitude. You’re not going to shrink away from reaching inside for one hundred percent effort. Assure yourself that you’ll acquit yourself proudly and leave that gym with a grin on your face, knowing you did everything possible to achieve a perfect training session.


Visualise the preparation at the gym … signing in, putting your training gear on, putting your bag in your locker, locking it … visualise every detail. Feel those things happening, don’t just see them as though they’re happening to a stranger … really feel them.