Imagine you could achieve anything you desired … just by IMAGINING your success. Imagine you could heal your ailments … just by imagining yourself healed. Imagine you could heal your loved ones … and your neighbours and friends … and … and the entire world … just by imagining your love and healing power spreading out far and wide. Just IMAGINE!

Imagine you could see your problems and difficulties for the tiny little discomforts they really are. Imagine you could always compare them to the truly horrific disasters that are happening all round the world, all the time. Just imagine how empowered you’d feel, and how immensely grateful for your own amazingly good fortune.

Imagine you could be as successful as your wildest dreams might envision, holding nothing back, believing in yourself totally, trusting yourself implicitly, being the best you can possibly be. Just imagine … the sense of FREEDOM that would give you.

The power of the mind is almost beyond imagination

brain powerAnd just imagine for a moment that your brain power, with its monumentally powerful hardware of BILLIONS of neurons and countless TRILLIONS of potential networked connections … imagine if that were all totally ‘wired up’ for ultimate success and achievement. Could you even imagine yourself failing then? Could you even consider such a sad and paltry fate?

Imagine your belief was rock solid, unhindered by doubt and negativity. Imagine you only had to think of a thing and your belief in yourself and your abilities would manifest that thing, or the circumstances that would lead to the manifestation of it. Just imagine having that kind of power.

I remember reading that a great teacher once said, when his followers showed amazement at his incredible powers, “All this you see me doing, you too can do, and more”. Can you imagine that? This incredible teacher, who could achieve anything he desired, desired only that we, all of us, would realise our own power. He knew, beyond any doubt, that we are all born with this incredible power, and he just wanted, more than anything, to educate us. He wanted to show us the way.

We can all work miracles, if we have faith

He showed us things that were almost literally beyond belief. But not to flaunt his power so that we would bow down before him. No, just to demonstrate the immense powers that we are all born with, every one of us. Even though he knew that teaching such things would certainly put his own life in jeopardy. And even though he knew that, whatever he did, these powers, in most of us, would lie dormant and untapped throughout our entire lives.

But just imagine, if you will, that you could stir these powers and awaken them. Imagine how wonderful your life would be! And imagine if the world leaders would concern themselves more with the real issues of the day, instead of focusing on maintaining control and fortifying borders and flexing their military muscles.

healing handsImagine if they encouraged people to develop their talents, instead of constraining them in every possible way. That great teacher told us, quite clearly, that the kingdom of Heaven lies within. He was telling us to be confident of our abilities, and to use them to heal ourselves and each other. And to make this world a wonderful place for all of us, regardless of any petty differences … or perceived differences.

Just imagine if we’d listened. Imagine if we actually realised that all our problems, ALL of them, could be dealt with by using our innate powers and abilities. This really would be Heaven on Earth! Just imagine!

Even if we can’t heal the whole world …

No matter how amazing your potential powers are, you can’t heal the entire world. You can’t get everybody working towards the full realisation of their innate powers. Even that great teacher couldn’t manage that.

So, in this, you are limited, you have to face that. We all are. But, regardless of that, each one of us has the power to change ourselves, to develop, and to expand our own personal limits. Let’s not shrink back and do nothing, simply because we can’t heal the whole world. As Mother Teresa said, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, at least feed just one”. And if you can’t expand the entire world’s consciousness, at least expand your own.

Perhaps this is the most exciting and effective thing you can do to heal the world. We are “living in exciting times”, to borrow a phrase from an old curse. And probably the most effective use or our abilities is to work on developing our own personal power. If we each did that, just imagine the effect!

Just imagine …