Intermittent Fasting – Why This Might Be The Only ‘Diet’ You’ll Ever Need

dietingYou’ve let yourself go. It’s a gradual process and you didn’t even notice it happening, but your eating habits haven’t been quite as good as you’d meant them to be just lately. You were quite assiduous about your choice of foods for a long time, and careful about your level of intake, but somehow it all just got out of hand. Don’t beat yourself up about it, that won’t help. Most of us go through this, and worrying and blaming just add to the problem, since they are negative emotions and, as such, they’re more likely to add to your problems than solve them.

Maybe you tried dieting. Let me guess … it didn’t work! It rarely does. You go into them with the best of intentions but you come out the other side almost sorry you wasted your time. And not only was a diet not effective, it sometimes left you with a bit more weight than when you started. And that’s never a good feeling.

Intermittent fasting

Maybe it’s time you tried something different. Intermittent fasting is a method of fat loss that actually works. I call it a method because I don’t want to call it a diet. There’s a difference.

Diets …

  • make you feel like a victim
  • involve cutting out certain foods
  • involve counting calories
  • mean focusing on carbohydrates … or proteins
  • tend to make you feel deprived
  • often causes you to resort to binge-eating
  • often don’t result in any appreciable fat loss
  • and if and when they fail, you feel worse off than when you started

Intermittent fasting doesn’t have any of these problems. You don’t have to cut out certain foods, or eat specific foods, and neither do you have to count calories. In fact, this method has barely any restrictions of any kind. You just eat as you normally would, and then you stop for a while. That’s it! Sorry to keep this so brief, but there’s not an awful lot more to be said.

What’s the idea behind intermittent fasting?

pumaThe idea is to get back to a more natural way of eating. In the wild state, animals don’t generally eat several times a day, or at specific times, and neither do they have a guaranteed source of food to depend on. So what happens, generally, is that they will feast, and then stop eating for a while, probably because food isn’t easily available or maybe just to relax and digest what they’ve eaten. Then, after a while, they will go out and search for their next meal.