I Wanna Make You Squeal With Delight!

kids playingHah! Gotcha! I knew that headline would grab your attention and pull you in. But it’s not click-bait, I promise. I really do want to make you squeal with delight. But in a good, non-tacky way.

You see, the thing is, as kids we’re always fascinated and deeply interested in things, and a lot of the time we’re laughing and delighted with even the smallest and [normally] least fascinating things. Because, as kids, we have a wonderful natural gift … we automatically tune in to the ‘right’ wavelength. And that doesn’t just naturally feel good, it often gets us giggling as well!

So why do I bring this to your attention? Because as adults we tend not to laugh very often, or find anything fascinating to the point of squealing with delight. And that’s a pity, because being alert, and interested, and fascinated, and delighted, is just the kind of thing that puts us in that ‘right’ wavelength, just like it did when we were kids.

Squealing with delight? Yes, I’d recommend it!

So I’d recommend it. Highly recommend it, actually. Say you’ve had your eye on a new job, for example. If you’re like most people you won’t pay all that much attention to it. And if you do, you’ll probably find yourself making unhelpful remarks (in your mind?), such as “… that job … probably won’t get it … nice job though … but my chances of getting it are slim, at best … face it, I’m just not cut out for that kind of thing”.

scratched recordThis is virtually guaranteed to drag you clean out of that ‘right’ wavelength area … and you might even hear that awful scratching noise as it happens (in your mind, obviously!), like a vinyl record when the needle gets dragged unthinkingly and damagingly across its surface.

But the opposite’s true as well, as it so often is. If you could find a way to guarantee that the record would play faultlessly, then there’d be no horrible scratching. Just nice music, like there’s supposed to be. And the way to do that is to be like a kid again. Instead of nagging yourself into negativity, just switch it around and boost yourself up with positivity. In fact, didn’t one of our great teachers of the past tell us to do just this thing? “Unless you change and become like little children,” he said, “ you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven,” or something along those lines. Maybe he was telling us to rediscover the childlike ability to connect with unseen forces.

Just pretend you got the job …

So, about that job you had your eye on …imagine actually getting the job. That’s right, that job that you’re “not really cut out for”. Just play ‘pretend’, like a little kid. Imagine if things went right for a change, instead of pear-shaped. It can happen … you know it can. If you didn’t think it could happen from time to time you wouldn’t have set your heart on that job. Right?