I Used To Be Fit …

I used to go to the gym three times a week. I used to be a dancer. I used to be a marathon runner. I was a pretty good gymnast. I used to do t’ai chi. I used to be in really good shape. I was in a karate team for a while. I used to meditate every day, for about 15 minutes. There was a time when I could rep out 50 press ups, pretty strict too, without breaking a sweat. I used to———-

Whoa there, take a breath! I hate to break it to you, and I can’t think of a humane kinda way of doing it, so I’ll just barge right in: listen carefully now … N O B O D Y  C A R E S !

You used to do this and that, I get it. You used to be really fit and strong. You coulda bin a contender 🙁 So what? That was then. This is now. Are you fit now? No? Then do something about it! Quit squawking about it and get to it!


We all carry around with us memories of what we used to do, and what we used to be. These memories are comforting sometimes. And sometimes we are weighed down with the idea that these memories define us in some way. They don’t. They’re just memories. If you want to get real, face the fact that they’re nothing more than memories. Just little recordings of our past, that we keep on playing, on endless repeat. And if you want to make something of yourself, then you need to shake yourself up and start today. Leave those memories to one side and get busy with something more important. And make a start by actually doing something, not talking about it.

start nowGet busy and do it. Make a plan. Decide what it is you’re going to achieve, and stick to the plan. If it means taking just one small action today, then do it. Don’t talk about it – do it. And stop wallowing in memories of when you were fitter, or stronger, or more focused. You can be that again, and more, but only if you start taking action right now to achieve it.

But I can’t exercise the way I used to!

I know. I’ve been there, trust me. It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that things have changed. What’s your problem then, have you got older? Guess what … happens to us all. Collected a few injuries along the way? Who hasn’t! Got joint pains? Join the club!

Whatever your problem is, deal with it. I know that sounds simplistic, and maybe even condescending, but it’s the truth, painful though it is to face it. But yes, you have to deal with it. It’s the only way.

If you’ve got joint pains, do the exercises you can do, and stop moaning about the ones you can’t do. If you’re limited by an old injury, do something about it. If it can’t be fixed medically, then tackle it some other way. Maybe find out what therapeutic exercises you can do to alleviate the pain, or increase your range of motion, or whatever. YouTube sometimes has some interesting stuff about that kind of thing, but watch out for the junk too, there’s a lot of stuff there that might lead you in the wrong direction, so be careful. But whatever you do, don’t just thrash about in a puddle of your own memories and morbid dreams of what used to be.

You can always do something!

Tokyo Paralympic Games 2020You can still do something. No matter what state you’re in now, there’s always something you can do. As I write this, the Tokyo Olympics have just come to a close and the Paralympic Games are about to begin. The athletes that will take part in that have faced much worse in their lives than most of us ever have to deal with, but they’re still forging ahead. They remind us how lucky we are, each and every one of us.

Some of them are missing an arm or a leg. Some are blind. Some are paraplegic. Even so, they’re motivated. And inspired. Still they pursue their Olympic dreams. Still they keep fit, within their limits. And frankly, within their limits they are way fitter than most of us will ever be.

Be inspired!

Take heart from that. Be inspired by it. Buckle down and start making plans to do better. Even if doing better means you will finally be able to do a set of ten press ups every morning … or be able to reach down and touch your toes while keeping your legs straight and stiff … or sit quietly and meditate for just a minute or two each morning (or evening, if you prefer) … or do whatever it is that means, to you, that you’re improving, making more of yourself, stretching and reaching so that you can honestly say that you’re doing better.kyle maynard

And don’t stop there. Make plans, sure, but make those plans mean something by taking action. Without that last step, the taking action, all the plans in the world add up to nothing more than a sad little to-do list. And let’s face it, we’ve been there before, right? We’ve made plans before and we haven’t followed through by taking action. And if we’re not in the best shape of our lives, and if we’re still harping on about what we used to be able to do, then that’s how we got here; by not taking the required action.

So do some real soul-searching. Examine what it is you want to achieve, and make specific plans on how you’re going to tackle it. Then start at the beginning. And do it!

Make progress, even if only by little baby steps

Do the first thing. Then move on. Don’t allow it to become yet another false start. Keep going. Keep up the momentum. Reward yourself in some little way for every step you take. This is important for you, so honour that. Keep reminding yourself how important this is. If it helps, write it down. Read it every day. Feed your mind with that idea of making progress, and that feeling that you are making progress, steadily and relentlessly.

you will find an excuseYou can’t always be the hare, streaking ahead, revelling in your own physical perfection. Sometimes you have to settle for being the tortoise. But the secret of being the tortoise is not giving up. Never giving up. Never settling for an easy life. Struggling to achieve something, always, and revelling in the struggle. Instead of praying for everything to be right, pray for the strength of will to stick to your plan, and to keep making progress, even if that means making progress by the smallest possible increments.

Go for it! Make your plans and start taking those baby steps today. Mark each one off on a calendar if it helps, or in a document on your computer. Make this your Number One Project. Go for it, and make it happen!