Hard Times

I have to be honest with you, there was a time, way back, when I spent ages (years, actually) in a far more precarious situation than anything I’ve been through recently. It was touch and go whether I’d come out of it alive at times, and when my back’s against the wall, I sometimes think back and remember what I went through. Yep, it was really tough, and sometimes embarrassing, if I’m honest, but I don’t mind sharing it with you.

I had to find a way out

You see, I was in a situation where I had no power to do anything for myself. I was weak as a kitten and physically helpless to the point of being as good as totally disabled, and to make it worse, I wasn’t even able to ask for help. Oh, there were people around who could help me, that’s true enough, but I couldn’t understand a word they were saying and I could barely recognise them. I was in a hopeless situation and frustrated beyond words. Somehow I just knew I had to find a way out of it.

I cried myself to sleep

It was a struggle, I won’t deny it. Took me a few years. And those were hard years, really hard. I came up against some of the biggest obstacles you could ever imagine and somehow I just knew I had to try to work my way through them. Those were really, really tough times, make no mistake. I’m not ashamed to admit I cried myself to sleep more than once. As a matter of fact, I cried a lot of the time. I was just so frustrated! And all the time I still had to find a way to work things out. My only hope was to solve the problems I was faced with, even though I was barely able to even recognise them for what they were. I was just so completely out of my depth, but somehow, over a period of a few years, I overcame it all, every bit of it, and I don’t mind saying I’m proud of that.