Five Subtle Changes in Perception …
… that could literally change your life
You don’t always have to make huge, frightening changes in the way you do things in order to see a big change in your life. Sometimes you can make simple, subtle changes, and they can create monumental differences.
Here’s a few changes you might want to consider making, and they’re mostly just changes in the way you view the world. They don’t call for any specialist knowledge, or any great effort, or a huge outlay of money … in fact, they’re just changes in perspective and changes in attitude, and yet making them can result in amazing changes happening in your life.
1 – See the world as a fun place …
View the world as a fun-filled, magical place, kinda like a grown ups’ version of the greatest fun theme park you could possibly imagine. If you do that, all the difficulties you keep seeing all around you will gradually start to morph into interesting little puzzles and games, and you’ll be so bound up in the excitement of playing the games and looking forward to the payoff that you’ll really start to enjoy the ride. 🙂
When things start to go wrong (and yes, inevitably, they will, sometimes), ask yourself What would be a fun way to fix this situation? Instead of imagining all the dire consequences of things going wrong, try imagining how things might go right instead! Instead of being frightened off by the first thing that doesn’t go exactly to plan, imagine how amazing it’s going to feel once you’ve got this all sorted out!
The world really is what you make of it. And it is just as frightening, or as amusing, as you perceive it to be. So go on, make that shift in perception! Just start to see the world as a fun place, and see how things start to shift in your favour.
2 – See the opportunities all around …
Focus on the opportunities all around, rather than the risks. When we’re in the habit of seeing danger everywhere we look, it’s hardly surprising we get scared to take risks. But without risk, there’s very little progress. You simply have to accept risk to move forward.
I remember reading that a definition of profit is “a reward for taking risk”, and that made a lot of sense to me. Because when you stop and think about it, every single thing you ever do that might profit you in some way entails taking a risk. And if you’re scared to take that risk, you can’t have what results from it.
So instead of being obsessed with all those frightening and dangerous possibilities that lurk all around, start to see them more as acceptable risks … risks that bring with them a huge and positive payoff … if you’re brave enough to grit your teeth, slap on a smile (even if it’s a forced smile!) and push yourself onward.
3 – Accept the fact that life is short …
When you’re young, you’re going to live forever, there’s no doubt about it! We all remember that heady feeling! You feel that life is stretching out before you, on and on into the far distance, and there’s hardly a care in the world, or a cloud in the clear blue sky. Bit by bit, as you get older, you feel that life is a bit more troublesome and a bit more limited, that time is short, and that life is strictly a one-time shot … and you start to feel like you’ve missed the boat.
Hey, don’t let that feeling lead you into despair! It’s a common enough feeling. But, instead of feeling despondent about it, take it as a wake-up call; this is life reminding you that your time here is indeed limited, just as it is for everyone else. And that you’d better make the most of what time you have left. It’s telling you that life is valuable, and that every day of it is more valuable than spun gold, and that you really should use every one of them wisely, and to your advantage.
And you can! The secret is to decide what you want to do, then take action. It’s not rocket science! It’s actually ridiculously simple … just 1) decide what you want to do, then 2) make a start, then 3) keep going! What’s difficult about that?
Of course, the problem lies in the fact that we very often somehow manage to miss just how simple and obvious it all is, and we create all kinds of difficulties and imaginary problems along the way, round every little twist and turn. We’re really remarkably inventive when it comes to creating imaginary problems!
C’mon, get a grip! Just STOP IT! It really is simple – decide on a course of action … and get on with it! Remember, clock’s ticking … time is short … get it done, and get it done NOW!
4 – Realise that you’re a superhero!
Okay, so you don’t get to slip into a superhero costume, or fight crime every day on the seedy, rain-swept, and badly lit streets of Gotham City … but you’re every bit a superhero in the things that count.
If you’re beset by problems, you can fix them! If you’re short of money, you can make some! If you’re deep in debt, you can get yourself out of it! If your relationships stink, you can heal them! If you’ve got health problems, you can effect some kind of healing in that department too!
I know you’re thinking “I can’t do all that … I can’t even do any of that … what the hell are you talking about?”
Listen, there have been times when you were so despondent that you cried yourself to sleep, am I right? Your problems seemed unbearable, and you wondered if you could ever survive them. Remember that? There might have even been times when you wanted to end it all. That ring any bells? It seemed like the perfect way out, at the time … the easy way out …
Guess what? You came through it! You did survive!
You dealt with hard times … you made the most of relationships gone bad … you coped with ill health … you made it! Somehow you made it, and the proof is that you’re reading this now.
If you coped before, you can do it again. And if you’re stuck in a dead-end job, or one that’s so low in job satisfaction that you just dread the thought of going in to work each day … then you can do better! You can create a better situation for yourself … a better job … a better income … maybe even create an online income, and escape the 9-to-5 and commuting for good … the possibilities are endless!
Whatever you do – and YOU WILL DO SOMETHING – it will be proof, once more, that you are indeed a superhero.
Once you make a resolute decision and set your eyes firmly on your goal, there’s no stopping you! Because your subconscious mind has just been waiting for you to define a specific goal and then to focus on it … and it will back you to the hilt.
Your subconscious mind is immensely powerful, a superhuman powerhouse of unlimited possibilities … but it’s the strong, silent type. It just waits silently and patiently for input. In fact, it can’t do much of anything without your input, and so it just waits … and waits. You have to feed it the data it needs to perform its magic. And once you set it in motion, you will see all the proof you need that you are indeed a superhero! The results will literally amaze you!
5 – Start to live a life of gratitude …
We all, every one of us, take so much for granted in life. If you can breathe, if you can walk around, and if you could reach out when you woke up this morning and you didn’t feel the sides of a box surrounding you, you do indeed have much to be thankful for. You’re alive, and in pretty good health!
Furthermore, if you have clean, pure water on tap, and if you don’t have to go outside to use the toilet, that puts you amongst the most fortunate on the planet; about 2.3 billion people don’t have access to adequate sanitation, that’s one in three of the world’s population. And 650 million people worldwide live without access to a clean water supply.

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