Attitude Determines Altitude

Your mental attitude is of absolutely pivotal importance if you’re trying to achieve something. It doesn’t really matter what it is … maybe it concerns your job, or a business you’re running, or maybe you’re trying to get a business up and running from scratch. Or maybe it’s something else entirely, and not related to work. Whatever it is, chances are that there will be a huge number of things to take care of. That in itself is the reason you might be doing something that few others even attempt. Most people cave in pretty quickly once they see that it’s going to be a rough ride. That’s why there often doesn’t seem to be much company when you’re on the road to something extraordinary.

You might be doing everything right, and feeling that you’re still not getting very far. You might be working your socks off and staying up into the wee small hours, trying to accomplish everything, every single thing, that needs to be done. You might be frustrated beyond words! And yet still nothing seems to be working. Or at least, nothing dramatic.

Back to basics!

follow your dreamsFocus on your mental attitude. Attitude determines altitude, and if your attitude stinks, you’re not going to rise very far. Even with all the hard work in the world, if your head’s not right, you’re going nowhere. You need to stop, take a deep breath, calm down, and re-evaluate your situation.

So it’s back to basics. Review what it is you’re trying to achieve and familiarise yourself with the whole thing. But don’t think you have to totally understand every detail. No, your focus should be firmly fixed on the end result, the achievement of your goal. And first you need to make sure you have defined your goal clearly. And make sure you believe in your ability to achieve it. And that you’re prepared to do what it takes.

And what it takes is to keep focused on the endgame, and to take action every day! That’s right, every single day. Even small actions – they might appear almost inconsequential in isolation, but they’re part of your overall plan, and maybe a vital part. So keep plugging away, taking action, and believing totally that you will reach your goal. Break things down into smaller segments, and those segments, if necessary, into even smaller constituent parts, and approach each one with the determination that you will achieve this!

Don’t give up!

don't quitDon’t give in to frustration – that’s like saying This isn’t working, I don’t believe I can ever do this! Don’t lose faith in yourself. That’s the only faith you really need, faith in YOU! If you come up against a brick wall, don’t let it be the end of the line … seek help! If it’s a technical issue, search for an answer online – there’s help available online for virtually any technical issue you can think of. If it’s advice you need, seek out a friend who’s trodden the same path you’re now on

And remember, focus your mind on the realisation of your goal every single day. Do it by meditating on it, if that’s what works for you. Just retreat into the stillness and focus on the achievement of your goal, and knowing that it will happen. Be grateful for everything that got you this far, and for the opportunity that’s open to you. And trust in the Universe to help you reach the goal you’ve set your mind on.

Or put together images into a sort of dream board so that you can view it every day. You can make the images into a slideshow if you like, so that they play in sequence, and on auto-play if you want (there’s plenty of free software that can achieve this for you) … and you can even add an appropriate music track (it could be calm and restful, if that brings up the right feelings for you, or exciting and rousing, if that’s better – it’s all about what works for you).