Are YOU Ready For The End Of The World?

We stumble through life, let’s face it. It’s a sad fact, but it’s true. At least for the vast majority of us. We stumble along, not really sure where we’re going, or why. Most of us have no clearly defined goals and so, not surprisingly, we never achieve them. We tend to coast, shuffling along here and there, wherever the flow might take us. And like a boat set adrift from its moorings, we just drift aimlessly and never arrive anywhere.

What would it take to make us realise life is for living?

I sometimes wonder what it would take to shake us up and make us take life more seriously? What could be so life-changing that we would actually make a new start, and begin to regard every day as the golden opportunity it really is?

Maybe if you were wrongly accused of a crime and then, by a cruel quirk of fate, sentenced to a long prison sentence … I guess that would put things in perspective for you. Or if you were told you were suffering from an incurable disease and you only had a few months to live. Mm … that’d do it, I imagine.

meteor showerOr maybe something even more earth shattering, in a very real sense. How about if there were a massive, cataclysmic meteor shower, with meteorites crashing to earth in their thousands, worldwide – and better still (well, not better but more effective!) what if the meteorites carried a deadly infection that caused a pandemic of a truly horrifying disease, something that turned humans into almost zombie-like creatures … I bet that would give us a right royal shakeup and no mistake. It would make us realise that this life we take so much for granted is valuable beyond price. Maybe then we’d grab at the second chance, if one was offered, to start again and to do it right this time.

Imagine if someone was picked for this experiment …

Now imagine if someone picked just one solitary soul, a likely subject, someone who was listless and unmotivated, who took his entire life for granted, and then engineered such a scenario, in all its scary and gory detail, just for him … imagine that. And let’s say he designed the whole thing with the sole intention of making that subject take a long, hard look at his life and how he was wasting it.