A Simple Bodyweight Routine

press ups, womanBodyweight training is simple, and it’s equally suitable for men and women. Note that I said it’s simple. I didn’t say it was easy! It’s simple because you can do it with no equipment – that’s right none at all. And you can do it anywhere. You can do it in your living room, your bedroom, your hotel room, the garden, the park, on your flat roof, on the deck of your luxury yacht, aboard your private plane, wherever. See? Like I said, it’s available to absolutely anyone (who owns a yacht and a private plane, obviously!).

The drawback is it’s not easy. It’s for people who actually want to get fit and stay fit. It’s not for people who are obsessed with having the latest gadgets (apart from yachts and planes, obviously). And it’s for people who are willing to do some hard work, even if only for brief periods, in the knowledge that they are building a healthy body.

seated knee tucksThe following is a simple bodyweight training sequence, but be aware that you can put together a sequence that suits you better if this one doesn’t tick all your boxes.

For example, if you have a pull up bar at home (or access to one wherever you happen to be) then you can add pull ups, or L-sits, or hanging knee raises to your sequence. Or you can add any variations of the pull up, such as wide grip pull ups, front lever pull ups, s-l-o-w pull ups, chin ups, negative pull ups (where you use a stool to get to the top position and then slowly allow your arms to straighten to reach the bottom position), and any of several others.

Here’s the routine:

  • 30 seconds plank
  • jumping jacks30 seconds press ups
  • 30 seconds mountain climbers
  • 15 seated knee tucks
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 50 flutter kicks
  • 20 elbows to knees
  • 15 air squats
  • 5 tuck jumps

elbow to kneeThe first time you do this you might want to just do one round of the whole sequence (actually, the first time you do this you might feel that you just want to die, but that’s normal, if it’s completely new to you). Once you’ve done it a few times you can move on to doing more, but don’t rush. It’s a challenging sequence, even if you’re only doing one set.

Ideally, you can aim to do three sets, with a short rest between the sets. If you’re trying to shed some weight, keep the rest periods as short as possible to keep the pressure on, but don’t go crazy – private yachtyou don’t want to strain yourself, and there’s no need. About a two-minute rest would be good. And remember, you don’t want to cause an injury … you want to be fully fit as well as slim and gorgeous to really enjoy your private yacht!