20 Reasons Why Skipping Is Such A Great Exercise

Skipping is a great way to get in shape. It does wonders for your fitness and it’s simple and it’s fun. Simple, I said … I didn’t say easy! As a matter of fact, it can be quite a challenge, unless you’re about five years old. And it can take some real persistence to stick with it long enough to finally get beyond the most basic moves. But when you do, you’ll feel an immense sense of achievement, even though in itself skipping is no big deal. And once you reach that level of ability you just won’t want to go more than a day or two without at least a few minutes skipping. Like I said, it’s a simple thing to do, and it’s almost addictive.

If you’re still not convinced skipping is worth the effort, here’s a list of 20 good reasons you should consider.

  1. It’s a full body workout. You have to be spatially aware when you’re doing it, and you use your abs, your back muscles, your arms, your legs, your balance, your rhythm, practically everything apart from the kitchen sink, even to get it working. It can actually be very challenging at first (specially if there are any kids watching!), but when you get the hang of it … wow!
  2. It’s a low impact exercise, and much kinder to your joints than running or any activity that causes strong, pounding action on your joints, particularly your heels.
  3. leather skipping ropeIt helps promote a healthy heart and circulation. Even if you’re way past your sell-by date (sorry, I mean even if you’re somewhat older!), you can skip … you just need to take it a little bit easier, that’s all. With the added bonus that with practice you can up your game as you get fitter (and then you can show them young ‘uns how it’s done!).
  4. It helps tone up your abs, without endless ab-specific exercises. And, er, everything else besides.
  5. Skipping is known to help improve bone density and ward off osteoporosis. Good to know as we get older (and whatever age you are now, we’re all getting older).
  6. If you do it for more than even just a few minutes you’ll realise what great endurance training skipping is.
  7. It can be done virtually anywhere, anytime. All you need is a bit of space. If it’s indoors you just need to make sure you don’t knock any Ming vases over, or smash into any chandeliers. And if you do, I guess you’ll just have to get the maid to fix things up.
  8. You don’t need any equipment other than a rope. No machines. No gadgets. Nothing. Seems weird, but it’s true.
  9. It’s great as a warm up, if that’s all you want to do it for, and yet it can be very challenging if you decide to up the pace or get creative.
  10. It helps you coordinate all parts of the body and gets them working together seamlessly. This can result in a much lower likelihood of losing your balance or falling (a concern for you older folks!)